Covid-19 Impact on education sector

Covid-19 Impact on Education Sector: These lockdowns across the whole world have become a serious issue for the government. All sectors have been shut by the government and one of the most important sectors is facing problems due to this lockdown is our education sector.

Around 90% of the students are not going to schools. Which has put their future in the dark, most of the exams have been cancelled by the government and now day’s students are worried about their future?

And this has put a serious challenge before the government. In order to meet the expectations of people and to save the future of these children, the government has directed all the educational institutions to resort to online classes and the government is encouraging people to go for these digital classes because this is our future. Because from the very beginning government was encouraging us to get digitalized in order to continue the pace of development through various steps like Demonetization.

How Covid-19 Impact on Education Sector?

Many platforms that provide online certified courses like UDEMY, COURSERA, and SWAYAM are now providing their courses free of cost. Recently MHRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ held a detailed review of the National online education platform SWAYAM and the 32 DTH Television Education channels SWAYAM PRABHA in New Delhi. This shows that the government is working for our young generation.

All we have to do is to maintain faith in the government and keep learning from home. As it was in the news that Mr. Donald Trump may close all the educational institutions for one year if this situation can’t be curtained. We can take this as a new challenge because if this happens then there will be a serious problem for conducting an examination.

Even in India becoming digitalized is not an easy task. Many children will face problem especially those children who live in villages. I just hope that the government may control this situation as soon as possible. And being a responsible citizen of this country we should also follow the rules and regulations and follow the norms of social distancing because working together is the only solution from getting rid of this problem.  

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